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July 14, 2017
July 14, 2017
Spadaro's essay criticises many ideas and groups that deserve it, but in the end is wrong-headed and over-simplistic
July 14, 2017
He said cardinals should be the Pope's 'closest collaborators'
July 14, 2017
'Sanction is doubled if the offence is committed in the presence of children,' the sign adds
July 14, 2017
An uncompromising new novel about corruption speaks loudly to a tense and divided America
July 14, 2017
Bad faith between liberals and conservatives is causing debate to devolve into partisan sniping
July 14, 2017
Jesuits and Paulist Fathers are among the few orders who say they can pay off loans once entrants have been ordained
July 14, 2017
Trump's populism and Macron's haughty liberalism are, in substance, not significantly different
July 14, 2017
The joint Catholic-Orthodox commission, set up at the request of Pope Francis, agreed that the two churches should 'share the memory of martyrs'
July 14, 2017
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